Mystery of the Pyramids and UFO Technology

The Great Pyramid is believed to have been built over a 20 year span. The pyramid is so huge and so perfect we wouldn’t be able to construct something in this day and age that will compare to it.

Each massive stone ranges from 1 to 20 tons in weight, and the Great Pyramid consisted of well over 100,000 stones.

What about Technology?

The Egyptians had no machinery, engines, or construction equipment. So the question still lurks, who built the great pyramids?

Theories suggest the Egyptians built these pyramids, but this asks us how Egyptians hauled 20 ton stones and placed them perfectly hundreds of feet high (145.75 m, 481 ft high).

Some suggest they built a ramp with stones that went from the ground to the top.

The flaw in that theory is that it would take more rocks to build the ramp than it would to build the pyramid. When the pyramid was done, where did these damn rocks go? So that ruins that theory.

Another question is: How did they move these huge rocks?

Experts said and insist that Egyptians built the Pyramid suggest, trees were cut down and smoothed out, and were used as giant rollers under these 20 ton rocks.

Do the Math

If you would roll a 20 ton rock on 5 trees, the tree would be too worn down and awkward to haul another, so these logs would have to be replaced after every stone.

Due to the fact that there are over 100,000 stones that make up the pyramid, you would need an excess of a half million trees.

The big problem with this theory is the lack of trees in that area. Egypt grows some date trees, and that’s about it!

And they certainly wouldn’t cut down all their date trees, because dates are one of the main foods in EGYPT!


Now the Great Pyramid was the biggest and tallest of all the Pyramids ever built.

Since the Egyptians left us an entire detailed written summary of every event in Egypt imaginable, you would think the building of the greatest Pyramid would be discussed. But it’s not.

The Pyramid was referred to a few times in very early Hieroglyphics.

Egyptian Writing Suggests the Great Pyramid Was Standing Before Egyptians Populated The Land

Ancient hieroglyphics have detailed writings of farming, giving birth, Pharaoh worship, hunting, building structures, etc. BUT the building of the Great Pyramid was never even mentioned?! That’s hard to believe.

If it took 10,000 workers per month over a 20 year span to build the Pyramid like experts suggest, there wouldn’t be enough people in a 500 mile radius to make this possible.

UFOs in the Sky

Actually, ancient Egyptian writing often talks of other beings from the sky, the sky opening, and bright lights coming down to teach them technology and give them wisdom. Many pictures and symbols resemble UFOs and aliens.

POSSIBLY, aliens helped build the Great Pyramid. And these solid long lasting construction techniques were adopted by the Egyptians.

So if aliens possibly came down to Earth in UFOs to help build the pyramids, is it possible aliens have other influences on humans?

  • Did aliens invent cottage cheese?
  • Were aliens the first to juggle balls?
  • Did aliens create gay frogs? Who knows?

The only thing we’ll ever know in modern history is that the pyramids are one of the most amazing creations anyone has ever done, with alien influence or not.

Check out Massive Voter Fraud, too. And this article with conspiracy theory movie recommendations.

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